A TARC and sl tea​m

June 4 : Summer Camp Kickoff

The presentation is available here. The spreadsheet for tools and materials needed for a whole TARC season is here
All classes are held on Saturdays 3 p.m.-6 p.m. at the Chinese Cultural Center, room TBD. If you are unable to come, we will post videos online.  


  • Find a team. Friends who did not attend the kickoff yesterday can be a part of your team, but they must give us signed permission forms. Due June 6.
  1.         Please let us know if your student does not have a team by tomorrow evening. We will need his or her email address to connect with others who do not have teams. 
  1.        If you download the trial version, install it on June 9 so that the licence lasts leading up to the July 8 launch. 
  • Bring a working laptop with RockSim installed (charger may be necessary) to our first class. Due June 10 for class.
  • Order parts this week. Due June 17 for class/building.
  1.      If you only want to do rockets just for this summer, we recommend buying enough materials to build one rocket. Materials and respective tools are provided in the second link of this email above. 

I am aware some parents were concerned about the price to be a TARC team for one season. The $1500-$2000 estimate is for funding the whole TARC team from September through April, not for the duration of this camp. This includes the 30-40 motors used for the season, which are $20.63 each, depending on the manufacturer. It's important to note that if there are more people in one team, the team budget is divided into smaller portions.

For this camp, the budget for each team is much lower because they must purchase their fully stocked toolbox (~$300), but you may have some tools at your house already. They can be used for this camp), the rocket materials (~$50), and at least one motor (~$20.63/each). 

Students can download and install RockSim for free (30-day trial) or for the permanent licence ($123) on Windows or Mac. If you download the trial version, install it on June 9 so that the licence lasts leading up to the July 8 launch. 

A one-time $20 donation per student to the Chinese Cultural Center is strongly suggested, but not required. 

Please email us if you have any more questions, and we will get back to you.